
Pals forever

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Things That U Guys should be aware OF

Ok.........Enough talk about people....
Hungry????huh?Sure...Everybody is....But Do U guys know what U guys stuffed in your intestine with????
Let us see....They kinda look OK..But kinda risky....Who would thought..?.....?

Ok...What's these???That not so everybody crazy bout....

U guys know these..Things that are making U guys drunk when U guys drink it....Sure does gives a lot of fun.....Stress relieved no worries...But always to remember.....That these thingy sure give much side effect to us......Let me tell ya some....

  1. Damaging ours brain systems
  2. Difficult to walk,see,speak,react
  3. Burn our organs
  4. dehydration (loss of water)
  5. poison
  6. heart,liver disease
  7. coma
  8. death
Wonder why alcohol drinker puke when they took much alcohol....Cause our body can accept them...And have ti eliminate them...Hence,by puke it is...I never drank it..But once,,,,When I was a kid...small little kid.....I ask my dad.What is he drinking...He said....Its a drink...Kinda like a medicine for our body...Then I taste it...And I hate it..Till then....

Ok.......Some of U liked these...But I dislike them..... 
Liver a.k.a Hati.....

Yum..Yum...Hati Ayam..But Blah for me........I dislike them...It taste awful to me...I don't know....Every people were not the same......By the way,They're blood.....Hey....I know that the were good for our blood......Act as a blood donor.....But..It's not us........It's just for the person that have low blood level.......

Wanna know Y??????/Cause...Animal or ourself.......Store sugar at our liver......So..Animal were the same as us.....have liver....Means that....Liver contain glucose.....And glucose increase blood pressure.....Korang nk jadi org drh tinggi.....HIIII...Sya x nk.....Tu..lh......Keep that in mind.......Our us will have high blood presssure....
This is main for us........
Kokowa....Ajinomoto san...ahahhahaa....
This ajinomoto

It act as flavour for our food...Without it,,Food will be tasteless...Well....Use something else beside this.....It's not like I hate this thingy..But....ajinomoto is monosodium......Sodium increase sugar level..same as our blood...Except Sucrose.....Sometimes....For some person....Like me......Having to much of this thingy,,,,And after that I will slightly feel headache......I don't know much bout this thingy...Later on if I had time I'll do some research.....

Ok....Friend of ajinomoto.....Not an ice...Think again
This is a Salt..Salty-Salte

 Same function as ajinomoto.........Sugar is sodium chloride...Same reason....And I'm already out of idea.....

I know that salts came from ocean like that...Whoa...What if...Nah.........

Family of salts....


Know this.??..course.!!..

Coffee....Not just about coffee...But inside them.....
They contain caffeine.......

Many things contain Caffeine....
Like our favourite 

This thing is much worst....A combination of liver,salt,ajinomoto and caffeine...
Whoa.....That's a lot....

Check it by yourself..Just read this things below....I know there's a guy over there.....
But don't just look at the some.....

Side Effect of Caffeine...I'm too lazy to type...ohohohohohoho

ohohohh...almost forgot...ehe....^^


aLso mine.....Starfruit contain of high amount of acids,,,,,,Same as the other sour fruits...Not that acid but the sour acid,.......I could die if I swallow an acid.....Too much of acids causes or stomach to ache...It Scratches our stomach wall if there's no food to ...I don't know....To what does it leave it......

That is not a minor thingy........If it does goes on and on.It could destroy our stomach wall.....HHeeeee....I forgot the effect....But least u know now......And..AND!!!!!!!Remind the person that have kidney problem to not to drink this juice cause it will destroy their kidney.....Heeeee....Risky.......I don't know why...LAter on I'll find out...Stupid TV...Didn't tell me why....

Ok...Reminder from me..Don;t ever afraid to eat something....I'm not discourage U guys from eating those thingy//.....U guys can..But not always....Always stick to the diet.....And always remember to check the label before buying some stuff......Make sure U know which ingredient is good and no good/////.....If I have things to share...i Will....Bye....Where am I going?????=='

Check the label


  1. kurangkn dan jauhkan..suma ni not good 4 ur health..

  2. u r talking nonsense. know the facts right, then talk. otherwise, shut the h up...

  3. if it does bother U aI beg for pardon..maybe you're may be older than me...then U might have a lot exp than me..if i done sumthin wrong...i beg for your pardon.......


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