
Pals forever

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Pervert Much....

Pervert of the month...Albert,Joshua,Melvin..5 bintang...Boleh thn juak..Boleh dkatakan semualh mk org pervert.....
Pervert:Which their sexual behaviour are not used for some people...Eh...Knja(Gatal) bh..X malu....Ok guna English jk lh..Klk ada nok x fhm.....

Ok..Faces of Pervert.....Ahahhaha...

Ahaha.........Me myself....Ikut mood lh......Mun gila..Susah mau diubat,,haha..muka taun lepas.....^^


He's one of my horor......(horific sound)...............Could say that he's a raper..Not just any raper..But that rap thiingy..Nah..Kidding......Ok...That day.....He said to Pearl that he's my secret admire..I was like...=='..."apa2 jk lh..laki tok..Guro jk kali....."...Worst's getting near.....ThiNGS HE'D done to Me....:
  1. Pegang2....Punggung org(sya)
Apa lagi>>?? mau fikir...Ok..Move on......To.....
Alberto Simonaras
><.....Aku Betek!!!!!Ini lh dia....Penyumbangleweng(Pearl punya ayat) time Chemist.....Sikit2 pegang!!!..Dh Lh meraba!!!><....Hish!!!Geram aku....Ckp "i LOVE u LAGI TUU...."Hish..APa 2 ja lh.....Ok..
Just now...19'th Apr 11..This Tues...

dURING cHEMist ClaSs...
Ok...Tempat..Blkng alu........Nun jauh d sana.....Cikgu ckp2...
Me:      (focus)(Tiba2 ada rasa.....)Ahhh!!!(bunyi perempuan...)
            Bodoh Albert!!!!><
Albert:  (Laugh)Bunyi awak ghairah betol Faiz...Jgn bising....
Me:      Spa x bising awk pegang2 sya...><(Ketawa sambil mrh)
Albert:  Aahahaha....Eeeiiii..Faiz..Awk stim.....(Sunyem & ketawa)
Me:      Mana ada..Sukati awk.!!!!Seluar ni yg stim...Nh tengok..(Tunjuk2 seluar..)
            Hish jgn kacau..Sya mau bljr....
2,3 minutes after that...
Me:      Waaaaa~~(bunyi perempuan)
Albert:  Aha''aha''aha''ahah''(Albert kalau ketawa memang pelik)
Me:       Hish....
Alber:    Faiz ..Sya suka awk..Dari dulu.....(ketawa)
Me:       Ya..ya..ya..Apa2 ja lh/.....
Albert:   (Meraba paha)
Me:        Bert!!!!(pukul tgn albert)
Albert:    Ketawa....

and so on.....To much memmories thn this that I can include..But to lazy to tell them all....T.T

Albert...Raba Shafizan..Shafizan mcm org mau trauma saja..ahaha...PIjan:"Bert..Jgn...."I just laugh..ahahaahhahaa....

Then..The most innocent looking pervert guy it is...
Joshua...a.k.a. Virgin(dara)..ahahaha
Same as the other perverts..............Pegang tk habis..........
Why am I always be the prey???T.T

That that I called him modes face...'HEY MUKA MODES...AHAHA'.........."aPA ITU MODES??? ><"Joshua ask...."Ey..Modes..modes....modes...bha...."I answer...........
Joshua:Hish!!Apa Itu modes?????(buat muka kesian)
Me:     Hish..Kesian alu muka..(menyampah...)Pearl pdh x????
Pearl:  (geleng kepala)
Joshua:Apa itu modes!!!!/..
mE:     hISH..Pearl x suroh bagi tahu...Sya x boleh bgi tahu lh.....
Me:    Ahahaha..Muka modes.....Muka modes....

Pearl& I bincang2......
Me:      Ok lh..Dsebabkn muka awk kesian.....Sya bagi tahu.......
Joshua: Yay~(smile)
Me:      Ngegeh...Ok..Modes tu kn,,Yg perempuan punya itu....
Joshua: (Blur)
Me:      Hish ..Bodoh....Awk ada pergi pergi Farley(Grocer)kn???
Joshua: Ya..
Me:      Ada awk nampak...Yg brgantung tu???Mcm pampers tuu???Yg perempuan guna tu????Tu lh modes...
Joshua:(Slowly picked up)ahahahahha(laugh)(hit me)///Ahahah//Muka Modes..!!!!(to me)
Me:     X guna.....Muka Panty Liner....
Joshua:Apa itu....
Tifanny:(DPN MEJA Kami...)Hish...Kamu org tu..Muka Tampon!!!!><
Me & Joshua:(blur)
Joshua:       Apa itu tampon..?
Pearl:         (Ckp cina dngn Joshua...)
Tifanny:      hISH...TaMPON.....X tau kamu...
Pearl:         Hish..Nok...kDK Bunga ya...
mE:            Oh..Nok mun nya knk air ya..Nya Kembang..Kdk bunga/..X bocor....
Joshua:      Muka tampon!!(to me)
Me:           X guna..Muka Modes...Menyesal ku ajr.....

Sampi balik..Asyik perang pasal modes..Tampon..Panty linear

Ada lagi...Selalu Joshua..Hish..Pukol punggung org..Pegang tu lh.....Fhm2 lh...^^
Mangsang rogol setiap masa......T.T..........

During 18'th Apr 11
Pearl:       Aie..Cm ni(mcm mana)mok dpt duit tok???
Me:         Aie..Jual dirik...ahahaahha
Pearl:      Aie..Mk nanyak bena......
Me:        Bah aplh gik(lagi)???????hArga mk Rm50..Tk berapa..?
Pearl:     RM 1000 000 000 000.....Ahahaha
mE:        knk????Mun mk...Cause I'm hot....Cool.Handsome....Smart..Genius.....And rare..ahaha
Pearl:     Benaya.....Nang rare...jrng nemu org kdk tk.
Me:       (sYOK SENDIRI)..Ahahah..benalh??ahahahha//tK..Tek knk mahal...?
Pearl:    Cause I'm hot....I'm pretty...And I could sing while doing it....

Demo.....Baby Your a Firework...bla..bla...As U shoot across the sky..Ah...ah..ah..!!!

As I test ...Try some....
Me:      Ey..Joshua..??Mau beli sya..?50 saja....ahahha
Joshua: Boleh..Kamu tunggulh..
Me       =='..Aduh knklh aku ckp.....

Paling terok...Yg pakai bersih tingkap kls........Yg mcm Febreeze..Pkai kami perang..ahaha
Joshua..Punyalh..Spray'toooooot'......Sya x sedar...sEdang ss brsembang......Dia merangkak.....Dpn sya...."Bodoh..Joshua..."..Yg lain ketawa......Hmph..!!Pervert....

Though My life is kinda crazy all the time during school time..Could say every school time....But sure...I never felt like this...So close to my friends....All of them..Can be trusted.....Like wE're one family...Every single Day...When Holiday...Always thinking bout our class....Rindu thp Gb(Gila Babi)..Sampai nk nangis....Kecualilh..time Bio...Semua org risau..ahahha///Kerja lh tuu...And as I'm saying here...aLL oF my classmate...I love U guys...You guys are my inspiration...Same as Fadlin Liyana.....Whom I admire.....And always wanted to be together........Because Of guys....And me..Our class is the coolest!!!4sc7!!!!Till 5..Don't die.......... for me..And if it is not for me..For yourself...And if is not...For everybody else...And if it is not...For God......~~^_^..Love U guys..Muaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!To U all.....

T.T.....Pearl,Beca,ARD,Yeremia,Aleyca,Elva.Flo,Florence,Ain,Bro,Tiff,Bert,MeLVIN,Yan Ling(penyelamat kerja rumah),Abey,Qesha,Si Ding,Janice,Khairul Dafinah,Vincent,Vann,Radhika,Sieuw Jing,Dui Dui,Zac,Jacq,Haziq,Arik,Pijan..and so on..banyak gilak.....

Sot Set sSot..........

Tok(ini) terok gik..Shafizan Suhaili..Tauk lh tk org....Nya ya sot,Laki Lady Gaga..Skrng tok dh Jadi laki Beyonce nya dh~~~~Tok time chemist//..Ckgu ya ambik time Sivik><..X pa lh...Untuk dirik juak nk????Habislh mk org tulis Emperial Formula kt papan itam tk..Nang br-belit2....Ya cikgu suroh Pijan tek..Padam papan itam tek..Papan itam suroh nya pdm..?????Apakah???Cikgu tek busy ngajar biak(budak)blkng tek.....Ya lh Pijan...Padam nya lok....Pas yA BERHENTI..Alu pos ....Nya tonggek burit(punggung) nya...Nang kdk Beyonce alu.....Pas padam2..Pos gik...Alu molah sexy2 lh tek..Mk org apa gik,Tetak*(ketawa) jk lh/...ahahhahaa.....Cikgu kdk d dunia nya mpun(dia punya).....X gago.....Pas ya/.Cikgu dtng dpn gik....Lari lh Pijan....Cikgu tulis gik..Mcm2lh......Habis tek...Org pandei bh..Nya lh ya~~~...Sidak nya ..Ernest Ebas,Fyna Neo,Albert Simon,Rebecca Miah,Tiffany Clarissa Natasha,Yeremia,...sapa jk lh.......Pdh ngan cikgu..Pegi jamban....Lepas ya..Beli brng..Org junior dkt bawah tangga jadi mangsa..Suroh pegang....Pas paksa gik mk suroh ambik..Aduh!!!!Apa2 jk lh...Ckp ngan cikgu/...(buat muka baik)...'Teach,can I go to the toilet'..Pegilh tek...Toilet...Nok bau wangi trlanjurya...Setengah mati pegi kt jamban ya.....Cuci muka tek....P-as jumpa ngan biak debah(bawah) tek.....''AAaaa....Ini brng yg mereka suroh pegang tadikh..?"....Ambiklh tek..Masuk kls..Tilik2....Masuk...Tngn sak(biar)d blkng..Kdk org bait jk....Lepas ya...Cikgu d depan..Aduh..Muka cikgu chemist ya...X da senyuman langsung....Tengok muka cikgu tek..Sidak Ernest tetak.....X pandei cover alu...Polah muka bait tek......Polah muka blur.."Apa?"....=='.....Lepas ya laju2 engkah(letak)Semua brng ya tek..Dbh meja Ernest..Nasib Bro cover..Brng ya..Dh lh banyak...Kuih lh,Air lh,Apa2 lh......HHuu..Slmtlh tek....??Eksen tek..Tanyak cikgu..."Buat apa cikgu?"..Cikgu:Tuu..D dpn sana.....Sya:Ooooh..Sudah tuu......Cikgu:Clean up the blackboard please???......Cikgu g dpn tek..Trmenung kt cermin....Mk org jk bising time ya..Klh org gila...Ya tek..Pijan aLU lh.....Dtng Iner Gaga nya(dia) ya..Polah gik pose Bahaya kt dpn..Cikgu x lalek(peduli)...jIWang seorang dirik nya kt sia....Alu lh tek....Tetak makin besa alu..Mk org Team dpn jk gila time ya..Sidak nerd2 ya....Blja lh tek..Sak bising kdk burung,,Burung gik x kdk ya...EEEiii...Ada hati mok nganok(mengata) org..Sak(biar)dirik mpun sama jk..Ahahhaa....X da lh..Mk org ok gik.....Ya lh Pijan tek..Pose..Tonggek burit kt org..Nang(memang)kdk sondal 2 bintang eh...Cun-cun lh tek cikgu nangga...pIjan alu froze cm ya jk......Malu nya tek..Polah muka x tauk...Pijan:"Knk??apahal????"..Balit tempat duduk nya tek malu..ahahahhaha.....Mun tk org nok lain ada time ya nk lwk alu........Only god knows what we felt....

Monday, 18 April 2011

During Add Math

Keja mk duak Pearl Maman time Add Math.....
Cikgu di dpn..Mengajar..mcm biasalh..X kn lh menari bogel....
Dkt tngn mk duak ada ..Adalh ya..Mknan lh.....
Cigu tulis d dpn..Mk org mkn....
Cikgu:The g and f..are bla .,.bla..bla...bla.....
Mk duak Pearl..Laju2 engkah mknnn kt mulut pas ya kunyah....Cikgu tangga blkng..Mk duak...Tapok(sembunyi)lh mknn tek...Sampei abis kdk ya...Sampeilh cikgu ya x perasan....Apa mk org polah...Dh mulut kantoi alu..Skjp kempis..skjp kembang.......

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Character Specialities

Ok...About Rei.....Look normal right....But her specialities are:    
  1. Can use flash(to repel ghosts)                                   
  2. Wide camera range
  3. Strong spirit power
  4. Special lens

Check this out.....
This is hers......Look at the symbol..Much???
Powerful..But..There's more than that

Miku...May look weak..But she have quite impressive specialities .......
  1. Can execute slow motion
  2. High in spirit power
  3. Can double charge her camera
  4. Can crouch  through fit places
  5. High in sensitivity (detect ghost)
 Look..Where she's crouching under fit places
 U can see that she's using her slow mo to run away from ghost..
 Ok....Notice the bar up there?She's charging....For greater damage

Kei Amakura
Ok..About this guy...His specialities quite stable......
  1. Hide from ghost(not vengeful one)
  2. Stable camera upgrading
  3. Special lens
Look..He's hiding..But sure have to run away from them...And to make sure they've lost their sight..........


Saturday, 16 April 2011

Fatal Frame 3 The Tormented

So,,,Here It is.....Fatal Frame 3....
Available for Ps2 Or maybe X box and so on............
So......Starting..Said To be U can Play more than One character.....Means Three....But in diff Episode/...
The main Character is that woman's the heroine for this game,,...

Name:Rei Kurosawa.....
Job:A photographer,,,,,,,,,,,
A strong willed person.....With Such beautiful face and..whatever....
Said to be she had just loss her fiance....Named Yuu.I don't know.....
As a photographer...Rei and Miku...Miku Hinasaki....Her personal assistant,,,,they're going to some place which is they heard about the rumors...
That...The person  that had loss someone can meet the dead...In their dream..On a place that called....Argh..I forgot....not that name.But its a shrine ..But later on I'll tell ya...Ok....As soon as they arrived at that place....They took pic...Like me..aahaha....They didn't believe the rumours....But Rei accidently took her fiance's pic...She saw him.she schocked..and call Yuu..But then she chased him..And the place starting to change....

Rei was amaze...(could say that...)no..She's shock..again....Till Miku called her...And the place turned to normal.....Ok.....Later on I continue.....Well,knowing about Miku Hinasaki first..........

Miku Hinasaki                                                                          

Name:Miku Hinasaki
Job:PA for Rei       
A weak willed person..Though...She was the first one that exp(experienced)this thingy....
Based on a true story 
She loss someone too....It's her Big Bro....On Fatal Frame 1.....She loss her mother.....Cause her mother committed suicide,can;t stand on seeing things that normal person can't..means ghost....Although,Miku posses her mother's power....Where she can see things that we can't....And given a Camera Obscura from her mother...Whereas her brother haven't got back home...Cause stuck in some haunted shrine....The reason is to investigate for someone missing.......She goes to that place...And stuck too...And...Solve mystery and kill boss and end.....

 Said to be in Fatal Frame 3.....Her nightmare haunt her back..Where she tried to forget all those things...And causing her to be less cheerful than before.....

Ok..Next Char....Kei Amakura...not kura-kura                                 

Name:Kei Amakura
He's kinda a friend of Rei's fiance......Rei never sees him but,.Just received his Letters for her fiance,,,,,
Rei meet him..When Miku suffers a coma...Cause lose from her dream........He stayed at Rei's house...But later he too disappear.or spirited away..Which leaves a mark on a sofa....

Well ok..........About the game then..Plays.........

As I was saying.....And then..Rei's having a nightmare...Which leads her to a cold snowy shrine(the place where she's been that day).....But the diff is...In the dream the shrine is more wide or additional then seeing it in real life..Like some parts were gone.....
Is where old folks do live...(Royal)....They done many things to that place..Like ritual like that...They done many rituals like...Paling(pale) a maiden..For closing the that the evil can't go out..U know....Folklore...And that causing too much sacrifices..Died and became ghost during nowadays..

Ok..some parts were gone....And when she entered her dream.....She walk and walk.......Till she saw her fiance...She followed....And kept saying his name....But he's getting far away...Until she reaches some place...Climbing stair...And she saw a camera lying by..Given by the ghost or coma woman.....That suffers coma when airplane crash.Said to be...She's living with the dead that day...ugh...Then she took it....And when she tries to get out....Suddenly,the doors stuck...She saw a little girl ghost in front of her keeping away her from escape....The little girl accompanied by her mother....The little girl's denying her father's death..And kept on accusing someone else....
                                                       as rei found it......
what better chance do she has but to fight it,,,,Photographer style..Yaahh!!

how to????Simple..Just by taking out the camera...And point to the enemy...And push the trigger...But said to be for today that Camera Obscura had broken...............
Like this...................And this.............
but sure to wait for the ghost to come near to wait for the fatal frame combo.....()when it turn red) this
then...Snap it...The more power it is...
But the fun fact it is,,Not just by taking a pic..They also have specialities and upgrading lens and camera....
Whoa!!U know when U know it........Hey..It's not easy as it look...

Ok...Skip2.....This is about.....A unpeace women..Called The tattooed woman....She was impaled by the young shrine maidens...(turn to ghost)And always wondering around in the shrine on every person's dream...With her pain..And whom she touched...The person will also share the same pain..Said to she's that the of boss of this game....And the reason is that she had the tattoo....That since the old days....For the person that had they're heart broke by someone...The will go to the mountain..And meet with the pro..idk....Maybe he's a black magic person....All of them...Will received a tattoo..In diff shape....All of they're pain will be suck by the tattoo....Called Holy Tattoo...really???But sure leave some effect.....And said to be that she's the sacrifice too...But before that.............

Butcherman come(the ghost above) came and kill the man...For entering the shrine.She gone mad...And the curse began...Where no one will sleep well..(some person related)..And she also can't wake up.....And so on...

Wanna know better ..Well buy some and play....I'm to tired for this...Argghh..
Later on.....Character Specialities..........

Well,Enjoy the pics.....
 the tattooed women in front
 the mother
The young shrine maidens.....

As A newbie

Hey....Said to to be that we can do anything on our blog...And I got some favor to ask.......How come U guys have a song on your blog..While mine not....
Could U guys give some hint or something...But if it is gonna risk my advanced background well I'm not gonna,,,But to think twice???When is my blog is going to start anyway..?=='

Stress... well..not so 

Ow i have an idea....Maybe I could relate bout games....Aaaaa....hmmmmm...

Milk Shake???/

Apakah anda fhm dngn Milk Shake???(Bm alu)
Fikir baik2......
Arrrgh....Are U guys dumb...?
Susu Goncanglh....
Not just any Susu...But Your Susu!!!!!ahaahahahahahha!!!! ku eh.....Just trying..That's all......
My blog just about to start...Langsang..Not bau Langsang....

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